

Unifont点阵黑是一个Unicode字体,每一个可见的Unicode基本多语种平面代码点都有一个字形,具有修改字体的支持实用程序。Unicode基本多语言平面覆盖第一个65,536(或2^16)Unicode代码点。最新版本的Unifont包含超过5.5万个符号,涵盖所有可见的Unicode BMP代码点。其中,近二万八千字是中日韩(Cjk)的表意文字。如果你想拥有更多的文字,比如想使用繁体字、韩文等,建议你下载Unifont点阵黑。
一位用户问GNU Unifont是否可以与商业(非自由)软件一起使用。答案是肯定的。GNU字体嵌入异常和SIL OFL允许这一点。有关详细信息,请参阅下一节。许可的主要目的是要求其他人创建的衍生字体按照相同的许可条款向公众发布,而不是禁止在某些软件中使用这些字体。因此,在衍生字体中保留许可条款提供了公共利益。这些许可证还提供了以前Unifont贡献者志愿工作的认可。
Unifont的衍生变体是根据双重许可证的条款允许的:GNU GPLv2+,带有GNU字体嵌入例外和SIL开放字体许可证1.1版。这些是免费许可证。本节的其余部分将提供详细信息。
这些字体文件是根据GNU通用公共许可证(版本2或(由您选择)更高版本)许可的,但将字体嵌入文档本身并不构成对GNU GPL的违反。许可证的完整条款在license.txt中。
自Unifont 13.0.04版起,这些字体根据SIL开放字体许可证(OFL)1.1版和GNU GPL 2+(GNU字体嵌入例外)获得双重许可。SIL OFL可从OFL-1.1.txt获取。
Commercial Use
A user has asked if GNU Unifont can be used with commercial (non-free) software. The answer is yes. The GNU Font Embedding Exception and the SIL OFL allow for that. See the next section for details. The main purpose of the licensing is to require derivative fonts that others create to be released to the public under the same licensing terms, not to prohibit the use of those fonts with certain software. Thus, preserving the license terms in derivative fonts provides a public benefit. The licenses also provide acknowledgement of previous Unifont contributors for their volunteer work.
Copyright, Derivative Works, and License
Thousands of Unifont glyphs are creations of individual Unifont contributors; those glyphs enjoy copyright protections of various degrees. Some of those contributions are letter forms of established alphabets while others are icon (symbol) designs such as the many animal icons which, as artistic designs, have even stronger international protections. See for example this memorandum of applicable laws of Berne Union member country Germany (where Unifont was created): Unifont Copyright Protections.
Derivative variants of Unifont are permitted under the terms of the dual license: GNU GPLv2+ with the GNU Font Embedding Exception and the SIL Open Font License version 1.1. These are free licenses. The remainder of this section provides details.
These font files are licensed under the GNU General Public License, either Version 2 or (at your option) a later version, with the exception that embedding the font in a document does not in itself constitute a violation of the GNU GPL. The full terms of the license are in LICENSE.txt.
As of Unifont version 13.0.04, the fonts are dual-licensed under the SIL Open Font License (OFL) version 1.1 and the GNU GPL 2+ with the GNU font embedding exception. The SIL OFL is available at OFL-1.1.txt.