




  量化全球宏观与资产定价(QuantitativeGlobal Macro and Asset Pricing)。














  主持中国国家自然基金课题、中国教育部重点课题以及中国证监会系统课题多项。专著有《广义投资学与宏观金融研究》、《商品期货中的投资价值》(译)、《指数化投资与金融工程研究》、《企业经营者视角的宏观经济分析》、《风险投资创业板》、《对话风险投资大师》(译)等,并发布研究报告200多篇(不包含财经文章)。在国际主流学术期刊、国际学术会议以及国内学术期刊上发表中英文学术论文数十篇,英文学术论文多次名列美国社会科学研究网(SSRN)之TOP 10排行榜。




  2、2008.08-2008.11 《创业板市场制度机制建设研究》(SAC2008KT-ZB05),2008年中国证券业协会重点课题,主持人.

  3、2008.08-2008.11 《CMOs多因定价模型研究》(SAC2008KT-ZB06),2008年中国证券业协会重点课题,主持人.


  5、2005 《VCs最优EN(创业企业)组合规模、组合结构以及金融治理研究》,横向课题(某创业投资公司之内部课题),项目主持人、独自执笔人.

  6、2005 《金融创新与稳定性研究》,上海证券交易所第十四期联合课题,课题主持人、独自执笔人.

  7、2004 《金融衍生品与金融市场稳定性研究》,上海期货交易所xxx期联合课题,实际主持人,执笔人.

  8、2004 《中国石油行业现况分析》,某石油公司课题,课题协调人.

  9、2003 《商品投资实践与发展》,某商品管理有限公司联合课题,课题主持人,执笔人.

  10、2003 《期货投资基金及商品投资基金运作与监管模式研究》,中国期货业协会xxx期联合课题(GT200302),实际主持人、独自执笔人,《中国期货业发展创新与风险管理研究》全文刊登课题报告,中国财政经济出版社.

  11、2002 《国内金融机构比较研究以及信托投资公司三年发展战略》,中央直属国企之内部课题,共同执笔人.


  1、Fang.S.H., Fan .W., and T. Lu, Macro-ctors on Gold Pricing during the FinancialCrisis, China Finance Review International (Accepted), 2012.12.

  2、Fang.S.H., T. Lu, Important Warning Indicators on Financial Crisis and DynamicSwitching of Gold Pricing Models, Financial Crises eJournal, 2012.05.

  3、Fan.W., Meng. Q.B., Liu. Y., Xing. L. Q., and S.H. Fang, Introduction of MarginTrading and Short Selling in Chinas Securities Market-Starting from theDisordered Warrant Prices, Handbook of Short Seller, Elsevier Press, 2011. 08.

  4、Fang. S. H., Xu. Y., and X. F. He, TheStudy for the Non-Linear Hedging Model and Hedging Strategy Based on StockIndex Options, Journal of Information and Decision Science, 2006. 01,USA.




  8, 翟建业,房四海,《沪深300指数调整的市场效应分析》,xxx届金融期货与期权研究征文大赛优胜,基础理论类,中国金融期货交易所,2008/12/23;中国金融出版社全文出版.


  10,FANG sihai,The Forecasting Capabilities ofInstitutional Investors at Futures Markets in China–Some EmpiricalFindings, Lecture Notes in Decision Sciences 9:142-148, 2006, HONGKONG.



  13,彦福,房四海,TheAPEC Approach and Its Trend–China Role in APEC,第24届亚洲经济合作年会主题论文,入选年会论文集并由大学出版社(中文版本)出版(2003年5月,中国海洋石油公司赞助出版),2003.05.




  1、S.H. Fang, Fan. W., and T. LU, Gold PricingModel during the Financial Crisis, 2012(秋季)中国量化投资国际峰会; 32ndInternational Symposium on Forecasting Boston, USA, 2012.06.

  2、Fang. Sihai, Who is Driving the BaselineVariables of Global Macro? – Gold and US Dollar Index Implicit Calibration onGlobal Macro Cycles, 2012(秋季)中国量化投资国际峰会; 2012World Finance Symposium, 2012.12.

  3、Fan. W., Fang. S.H.,On the RiskTransformation of Foreign VCs in Mainland China, Second Annual Conferenceof the Cass-Capco Institute Paper Series on Risk, 2009.07, London, UK,

  4、Fan. W., Fang. S.H.,On the Pricing andHedging of Volatility-linked Notes, 69th American Finance Association(AFA) Annual Conference Travel Grant, San Francisco, USA, 2009.01; 15thInternational Conference on Computing in Economics and Finance, Sydney,AUSTILIA, 2009.07.

  5、Tan. R.Y., S. H. Fang, Construction Strategy of VCs Firms Portfolio fromIndustrial Organization Perspective: Empirical Evidence from MainlandChina, 21st Academy of Entrepreneurial Finance, Chicago, USA, 2009;ICMSEM, 2009(国家自然基金项目资助,70673008); SSRN.

  6、Sun.M., S. H. Fang, The Role of Venture Capital in Listed Companies: Evidencefrom Mainland China, 21st Academy of Entrepreneurial Finance, Chicago,USA, 2009; ICMSEM, 2009(国家自然基金项目资助,70673008);SSRN.

  7、Sun.M., S. H. Fang, The Size of Venture Capital Funds Portfolios: Evidencefrom Mainland China, 21st Academy of Entrepreneurial Finance, Chicago,USA, 2009; ICMSEM, 2009(国家自然基金项目资助,70673008);SSRN.

  8、Fang.S.H., Y. Xu,Related Theoretical Issues Enable to Scale the PortfolioEvaluation, Proceedings of the Second International Conference onManagement Science and Engineering Management, Chongqing, 2008.11; SSRN.

  9、Fang S.H., Sources and Management Styles of Funds, and Size and Structure ofFirms Portfolios: Survey from VC and PE in Mainland China, 20th Academyof Entrepreneurial Finance, Las Vegas, USA, 2008; 2008年中国国际金融学术年会(国家自然基金项目资助,70673008).

  10、Ma. W.,Fang S. H., Case Analysis of Knowledge-based Theory of Firms of VCIndustry in Mainland China: Human Capital Perspective, 20th Academy ofEntrepreneurial Finance, Las Vegas, USA, 2008(国家自然基金项目资助,70673008);SSRN.

  11、J. Y.Zhai, Fang. S.H., Index Reconstitution Effects in Emerging Markets EmpiricalStudy Based on CSI 300, 2008年金融工程与风险管理国际会议, , 2008.07.

  12、Fang.S.H., Market-Neutral Hedging Strategy Based on Stocks Index, IndexFutures and Index Options – Empirical Study Based on SP 500, 亚洲金融工程年会, HongKong, 2008.06.

  13、Fang.S.H., Curriculum Innovation of Entrepreneurial Finance and VentureCapital-an Overview of Design and Content; 14th GFC, Melbourne, AUSTRALIA,2007.

  14、Fang.S.H., Portfolio Theory of New Ventures from New Financial IntermediaryPerspective: Theoretical Process and Practical Significance, 14th GFC, Melbourne,AUSTRALIA, 2007(国家自然基金项目资助,70673008).

  15、Fang.S.H., Independent Venture Capital and Portfolios of Firms: ComparativeStudy from Cases in Mainland China; 18th Academy of EntrepreneurialFinance, Austin, USA, 2007(国家自然基金项目资助,70673008);论文修改稿,美国Ewing MarionKauffman Foundation转载.

  16、Fang. S.H., CanInstitutional Investors be Trusted at Futures Markets? Evidence from MainlandChina, 14th GFC, AUSTRALIA, 2007; SSRN.

  17、Fang. S.H., TheRisk-Neutral Hedging Strategy Based on Market-Index, Index-Futures andIndex-Options–a Case Study, FERM, Beijing, 2007.07; SSRN.

  18、Fang. S.H., Analysis onSurvival Situations of Individual Investors and Private Funds at FuturesMarkets in China, 14th GFC, AUSTRALIA, 2007.

  19,Fang.S.H., Challenges on Global Monetary andFinancial System–Discussion and Comment, 14th GFC, AUSTRALIA, 2007.曾在第五届WTO与中国国际学术年会发表并获年会优秀论文二等, ,2006.10.

  20、Fang. S. H., Xu. Y. and X. F. He,A Study for Risk-Neutral Hedging Strategy Based on Market-Index,Index-Futures and Index-Options, 19th AFBC, Sydney, AUSTRALIA, 2006.

  21、房四海,投资组合评估可测量性相关理论问题,International Symposium on Financial Engineering, 广州, 2006.04.







  28、房四海,债务、投资与产品市场行为,2002中国国际金融年会,, 2002.07.




  3、2006年,教材《企业经营者视角的宏观经济分析》,大学高层管理培训(EDP EMBA)核心教材的xxx篇,华东师范大学出版社,独著.









  5、范为,房四海,2010年:!推动中国经济继续前行,《资本市场》, 2010.02.








  2,Fang, Sihai;SSRN Author Rank: 10,363;美国社会科学网排名(全球20万学者)。






  SelectedEnglish Reports:

  A Story of Hong Kong,June 2, 2009

  High-Wire Walk out ofthe Current Financial Crisis through Reflation, March 30, 2009

  On the Pricing andHedging of Volatility-linked Notes, February 8, 2009

  Effect of RepairingBalance Sheets an Ambush in February??, February 1, 2009

  Empirical Study Basedon CSI 300 Reconstitution, January 14, 2009

  Macro Calibration Macro Timing, December 31, 2008

  Sources and ManagementStyles of Funds, and Size Structure of Firms Portfolios: Survey from VCand PE in Mainland China, June 13, 2008

  Theoretical Frameworkof Assessment on Investment Portfolio, June 11, 2008

  Market-Neutral HedgingStrategy Based on Stocks Index,IndexFutures and Index Options – Empirical Study Based on SP 500, June 10,2008

  Index ReconstitutionEffects in Emerging Market-Empirical Study Based on CSI 300, April, 2008

  Macro Economy Trendsand Valuation on Stock Market in China, April 1, 2008

  Series NO.126 (Annual Report):2012 – The End of New Three Kingdoms and American Breakthrough— on Fisher.Black and Pricing Models of Credit Products, Stocks, Bonds, and ForeignExchanges;NINTH QUANT;Dec.13, 2011 ;HONGYUAN, HuangShan Annual Meeting, CHINA.

  SelectedChinese Reports:

  Outlook of BroadCategories of Asset Allocation in the Second Half of the Year 2009, July 5,2009

  Is the Third Quarterof 2009 the Last Banquet of Global Asset Bubbles or a Start of Recovery?? June11, 2009

  A Story of Hong Kong,June 2, 2009

  Analysis of the FiveGlobal Financial Markets and Outlook of the Second Half of the Year, May 14,2009

  Global Low Growth andLow Inflation in 2010, May 12, 2009

  The Broad Categoriesof Asset Allocation Based on Empirical Study in China, March 29, 2009

  Global Macro Strategy:A shares in the Second Quarter of 2009, March 22, 2009

  Explanation of the TopTen Observing Indicators of the Global Financial Markets as well as SomeSituation Predictions, March 1, 2009

  A Gold Pricing Modelunder Financial Crisis, February 18, 2009

  The Second Derivative the Signal of the Global Economys Stabilization, February 16, 2009

  Six Connotations ofLiquidity and Risk Tips in the Future, February 15, 2009

  Discussion on theLiquidity Problems in China in 2009, February 8, 2009

  Repairing Effect ofBalance Sheets an Ambush in February?? February 1, 2009

  Theory Amendment ofMacro Inflection Points and Broad Categories of Assets Rotation, withDiscussion on Observing Variables of Global Rebalance, January 19, 2009

  Commodities HaveBottomed out, with Discussion on Structure of Supply Demand in China andAmerica, January 3, 2009

  Macro Base ofTransition Expectation from Bear to Bull in Chinese and American Stock Marketsin 2009, with Discussion on Macro Timing Macro Calibration, December 22,2008

  Within the Next ThreeMonths, Commodity Futures will Bottom out, December 20, 2008

  Resonance, Shock aswell as the Possible Pendulum Effect in the Future??, December 7, 2008

  Macro ObservingVariables and Their Calibration, November 27, 2008

  Evidences Show:Chinese and U.S. Stock Markets are at the Bottom of the Century, November 22,2008

  The Second Half of theFinancial Crisis and the Worldwide Financial Economic Cycle, October 19,2008

  Global Imbalances areExpressed in the Form of Collapse of the Stock Markets , October 12, 2008

  Financial Crisis,rather than Currency Crisis – Talk Again about the Valuation Bottom of AShares, September 21, 2008

  The Next Three Monthsis the Key Time Window to Stop Chinese Economy from Hard Landing, August 20,2008

  Talk Again about U.S.Dollars, Crude Oil and A Shares, August 17, 2008

  Macro Forecast in theThird Quarter, August 13, 2008

  The Dark before Dawn –Comments on Chinas PPI in July, August 11, 2008

  At Present, U.S. Dollarsare Building the Bottom of the Century, August 9, 2008

  Macro Valuation Modeland Signals of Market Inflection Points, August 6, 2008

  Forecast of InflectionPoints of Chinese and U.S. PPI, July 27, 2008

  A Middle- orShort-term Cycle? Expectation on the Second Half of a Bear Stock Market, whichis a Bull Bonds Market, July 20, 2008

  Analysis of Money inJune and Outlook, July 15, 2008

  The Subprime Crisisand its Influence – the Third Shock, March 4, 2008

  Series NO. 113(Feb.,2011):Unexpectedinflation and its Impact on pricing of the categories of assets (theoreticaland empirical) – Re talking about the second half of the super cycles atcommodities and US dollar index(Implied:NJA stagflation).

  Series NO. 116 (written atBuddha temple in Sichuan, China): Black Swan tigue?? And global outlook(Apr.14, 2011, Quarterly Report).

  Shanghai Series NO. 118(May.,2011): Global macro-driven ctors (short, medium and long-term).

  Beijing Series NO. 123(Sep.9,2011): Changes of cycles frequency, TFP, global mismatch and rebalancing (globaldifferentiation).

  Shenzhen Series NO. 124(October18, 2011): The End of An Era -Steve Jobs and the macro valuation models onstocks markets.

  These annual reports:InDecember 2007 (internal report: the global recession confirmed), December 2008(Small V-shaped reversal), December 2009 (New Three Kingdoms and the Europeandebt crisis), December 2010(Global three rough and gold with More than US $1800 per ounce).

  Series NO. 98 in May2010:Seven Sisters at Summer(Discussed in detail of the globalmacro-seven cycles).

  Series NO. 106 in September2010: Regional rebalancing on global industrial chain(宏源证券,安徽发改委,安徽金融办三家联合主办的研讨会).



  系列128: Who is driving the baseline variables ofglobal macro? — Gold and US dollar index implicit calibration on global macrocycles,中国社保理事会,2012年4月17日

  Series NO. 129 on Global Macroand Asset Allocation:


  第九类QUANT,Series NO. 130 on Global Macro and Asset Allocation:全球再平衡与中国通缩(二次探底)周期–兼谈超越宏观拐点预测与大类资产对冲~

  SIHAI FANG; Series NO. 131 onGlobal Macro and Asset Allocation:全球产业链再平衡以及2013年中国宏观展望~

  全球宏观预测与大类资产配置之系列SeriesNO. 132 on Global Macro and Asset Allocation:宏观再平衡与投资思维切换–兼谈当前之宏观数据校准(2012年11月5日)

  全球宏观预测与大类资产配置之系列;Series NO. 133 on Global Macro and Asset Allocation:年度全球报告(上):底在何时?底在何方?–兼谈宏观与金融以及产业:三位一体之框架



